On Creating a Website

Welcome everyone, to my website. That feels really cool to write, that I actually have a website. There is so much potential for it, so much I’m looking forward to adding and finding out what is even possible to add. Still, its main purpose now is to serve as my blog. Every day, I will add an entry, and I hope you can join me in the weeks and months to come in whatever journeys I may embark upon, both real and intellectual. In that time, I hope to develop as a writer, so that I can not only contribute interesting stories, but contribute them well. But, as per the current title of the site, I don’t want to oversell the quality of my work at the moment.


First, some admin – because even though, at present, I have no readers, some part of my brain insists on pre-emptively explaining some things. To start with, though this is the third blog post I’ve written, it is the first one that’s been written for the site. Seeing as the two before it are older than the site by several dozen hours now, and because Squarespace currently offers no mechanism of changing it, all three have been posted today, and carry today’s date (April 30th). From now on, though, expect to see those numbers slowly, steadily trickle forward as I attempt to add this to my few good habits. Once the site goes live, I endeavour to have all features working, and so please feel free to reach out to me through the options available; from my various social media to what is hopefully a working contact form.


This is, and will remain for a while, or forever – a work in progress. I don’t currently regard myself interesting enough to have added more than these posts, but I’ve got some exciting projects and plans ahead, and so whenever those come to pass, and whenever I figure out the finer machinations of Squarespace, I will be certain to add relevant information and updates here. Taking another look at the website as it stands, I can tell it already needs a little sprucing and livening up – so I would love any suggestions you readers could offer, be they aesthetic or creative. I did not, unfortunately, inherit the artful eye of my mother as did my sister, so I’m very much throwing everything at the wall and hoping that what sticks, works.


It’s only occurring to me now that I have no idea when this website is going live. So I’m currently writing to and for no one in particular – other than myself. Moreover, I may have completely overhauled the site by the time I publish, so I could very easily screw myself over, change it all, and make the last three paragraphs irrelevant. But, as those who know me are all too aware, I am a procrastinator of the highest order, and so any work done at all I see as a massive achievement. It will be a cold day in hell (likely sometime soon) before I make edits.


On Old Friends


On Making a Point