An Impassioned Poetry Interlude
You’d think and you’d be right to say
Fair people who sit now before me,
That not on Christmas nor any day
Deserves someone to freeze; inform me
How a modern major nation –
Proud and red and white and blue
With history of deserved damnation
(No, United States, not you) –
Forsakes and freezes folk so freely –
Heating bills are tripled – really
Tax cuts for the rich ideally
That’ll see us through.
Attribute to much more than malice
Such evil plans and know these callous
Cowards letting children starve
Can fuck right off and carve
Their names onto | the fiery walls
Of Dante’s bottom ninth circle of hell,
And sit there with the other traitors, listen to them tell
Us all, these idiotic bastards,
‘It’s all in our best interest’
Say their stupid faces plastered
On every tiny, massive screen and billboard and TV,
That all will soon be fine with our precious economy.
And all this from a government whose prime minister’s ascent
To power was decided by just 0.3 percent
Of the 67 million who call England their home.
And how are we doing again? Well fine, let’s check the tome
Of evidence – the NHS and energy and debt,
The cries and shouts and pleas for help that drown the internet.
To be or not to be a country functioning at all
Lest our legacy be little more than a faint icy scrawl
That reads: Here lies Great Britain, in all its short-lived glory.
All those who lived within it wished for a much different story.